Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 3 Dec 1998

Vol. 497 No. 7

Written Answers - Venison Industry.

Ivan Yates


115 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if his attention has been drawn to the marketing problems for red deer which are virtually unsaleable; if he will have discussions with Bord Bia and meat factories with a view to having facilities for the slaughter of these deer put in place; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26150/98]

I am aware that in common with other sectors of the meat industry at present, the venison industry is finding the current market situation difficult. Last May I sanctioned an award of substantial grant aid under INTERREG, involving both Exchequer and EU funds, to enable one sector of the venison industry develop a business and market strategy. I understand that this funding will be utilised in the very near future and I believe it will be of considerable assistance in the improvement of marketing opportunities for the entire sector.

While facilities are available for the slaughter of deer at present the decisions by factory management to buy and slaughter deer are, as always, based on commercial considerations. My Department is in touch with An Bord Bia with a view to working with the venison industry to improve the marketing potential of this sector.
