Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 3 Dec 1998

Vol. 497 No. 7

Written Answers - Sports Capital Programme.

John V. Farrelly


175 Mr. Farrelly asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if the £300,000 approved by his Department under the national lottery grant for a stadium (details supplied) in County Meath is still available; if the application for an increase in this grant is being considered; when a decision will be made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26254/98]

A grant of £300,000 was allocated in 1994 under the sports capital programme towards the development of an indoor track at the stadium in question.

In April 1997, the executive committee of the stadium submitted a proposal for the development of an outdoor track and upgrading an existing building at a cost in the region of £660,000. They requested that the grant allocation of £300,000 be re-allocated for this proposal.
I recently met with a representative from the committee and a number of representatives of the National Athletics and Cultural Association of Ireland where I pointed out that I am anxious to ensure that duplication of resources is kept to a minimum and that I would like to see all athletic organisations working together for the ultimate benefit of the sport in Ireland.
It is against this background that any development of an outdoor track at the stadium must be considered. My particular concern in relation to athletics facilities is to ensure that Government funding for such facilities is well focused, that there is no unnecessary duplication or overlap and that arrangements are in place to ensure that utilisation of the facilities will be efficient and well co-ordinated. Given, in particular, the level of investment involved, I am not therefore in a position to make a decision on assistance for the development proposed pending further developments on a unified athletics body, and an agreed strategy for the future development of the sector.