Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Dec 1998

Vol. 498 No. 1

Written Answers. - Offshore Exploration.

Pat Rabbitte


52 Mr. Rabbitte asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the latest information available to his Department regarding the extent of the gas discovery made by a company (details supplied) in the Corrib field; if his attention has been drawn to reports in a British journal suggesting that the find can already be regarded as commercial; the response, if any, he has received from SIPTU or the IOOA regarding the use of Irish workers and goods and services in offshore exploration activities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26463/98]

The report to which the Deputy refers is the October 1998 edition of the North West Europe Upstream Report, which contained an article about the Corrib gas discovery. This was published by Wood Mackenzie and they have provided my Department with a copy of the article. They state that they believe that the field can already be regarded as commercial. However, on the basis of the data acquired by the licensees the Corrib gas accumulation cannot be regarded as commercial at this time. It is not known with any precision how much gas is in place or how it is situated physically or how it would be accessed. It is likely that two or three more years' assessment will be required before a full appraisal is completed. Only at that stage can it be determined whether the field is commercial. If so, it is then likely to take two further years to carry out development and bring the field into production.

It is Government policy to ensure that the Irish economy benefits to the maximum extent possible from offshore exploration activities within the constraints of EU legislation. I have continually impressed on the Irish Offshore Operators Association and the individual operators that Irish suppliers of goods and services and indeed Irish workers must be given opportunities to participate in such activities. In that context, as the Deputy is aware, my Department has written to both SIPTU and the IOOA urging them to discuss the problem of employment in offshore exploration with the intention of arriving at an acceptable solution. The IOOA has requested a meeting with me in advance of any such discussions and I have agreed to meet them. I have previously had discussions with SIPTU on this issue and am quite happy to have further such discussions.
I should add that Enterprise Ireland, under the aegis of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, has responsibility for ensuring maximum input of Irish industry in offshore exploration operations.
They have been very active in this area for some time and have assisted the operators in identifying Irish companies who can tender for work and have assisted companies by identifying opportunities that are arising in both petroleum exploration and production.