Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 9 Feb 1999

Vol. 500 No. 1

Written Answers - Community Development Programme.


248 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs when the community development programme for the eastern region will be announced; and if the application from Bluebell, Dublin 12, will be included in this programme. [3505/99]

Partnership 2000 provides for the identification of 30 priority areas for the expansion of the community development programme. I have already announced details of 17 areas that have been identified in the regions outside of the eastern and southern regions.

I anticipate I will be in a position to announce a further list of 17 areas to be targeted for the expansion of the community development programme for the eastern and souther regions next month. Bluebell, Dublin 12, is one of a number of possible priorities being examined in that context.
