Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Mar 1999

Vol. 502 No. 3

Written Answers. - School Equipment.

Jack Wall


64 Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Education and Science if he has satisfied himself that art materials are available in all schools which have students taking art as a subject at junior or leaving certificate levels; if his attention has been drawn to any school where this does not prevail; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7775/99]

Existing funding arrangements for post primary schools includes provision for the purpose of providing for materials for art classes in schools. The way in which this provision is made reflects the different management and ownership arrangements for vocational schools and community colleges, community and comprehensive schools and voluntary secondary schools and is consistent with the manner in which resources generally are allocated to these schools.

The financial allocations for vocational schools and community colleges are made to the vocational education committees as part of a block grant which also covers the VEC overheads and other activities apart from the second level programme. Voluntary secondary schools are funded on a per capita basis based upon enrolments while the annual budget for community and comprehensive schools takes into account factors which vary from school to school.

The way in which funding is expended is a matter for each school and/or VEC and they are not required to inform my Department of their priorities in this regard. However, it is my Department's experience that the decision regarding specific materials to be purchased for the teaching of art is taken within the individual school collaboratively by the teacher of art and the principal.

This year, the standardper capita grant payable to voluntary secondary schools is being increased by £7 to £184 with pro rata increases in the allo cations for other sectors. I am satisfied this increase represents a substantial response to the many demands for increased funding for schools generally.