Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Mar 1999

Vol. 502 No. 3

Written Answers. - Schools Building Projects.

Liam Lawlor


649 Mr. Lawlor asked the Minister for Education and Science when he will meet the requirements of South Dublin County Council for the provision of a site for Lucan Educate Together School in view of the fact that matters are reaching a critical state with 170 pupils due for new accommodation in September (details provided). [8301/99]

On January 10 1999, I announced a new initiative whereby the State would offer to purchase the sites for all new national schools. The situation now is that a working party in the Department is assessing the implementation arrangements for the new initiative. When this work is completed, my Department will be in a position to address individual projects such as Lucan Educate Together School. The position was explained to South Dublin County Council by my Department in a letter dated 9 February 1999.
