Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 Mar 1999

Vol. 502 No. 6

Written Answers. - Waste Management.

Ulick Burke


246 Mr. U. Burke asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if he has satisfied himself with the structure and procedure in place for applicants for a waste licence facility; the reason for the length of time taken to make a decision; and the plans, if any, he has to speed up the process. [9011/99]

The integrated licensing system established under Part V of the Waste Management Act, 1996, is intended to ensure that high environmental standards apply in relation to the establishment, management, operation, closure and aftercare of licensable waste facilities.

Implementation of the licensing system, including detailed assessment of the potential environmental impact of licensable activities, is a matter for the Environmental Protection Agency.

A waste licence may not be granted by the agency unless it is satisfied that:

any emission from the activity concerned will comply with any relevant standard or emission limit value, the activity concerned will not cause environmental pollution, the best available technology not entailing excessive costs will be used to minimise emissions, the applicant (if he or she is not a local authority) is a fit and proper person to hold a waste licence, and the applicant can discharge all financial commitments and liabilities likely to arise from the licensed activity.

The agency must provide for public access to all relevant documentation and information, consult widely regarding licence applications and proposed licensing decisions, and have regard to any third party submissions or objections.

Accordingly, while the agency is statutorily required to give a decision as expeditiously as possible the licensing process is necessarily intensive. I am satisfied that its focus should remain on ensuring a high degree of environmental protection in respect of waste activities, in a manner which attracts public confidence. I have no pro posals at this time to amend current waste licensing procedures.

Ulick Burke


247 Mr. U. Burke asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the policy on waste management; his views on whether landfill is still part of this policy; the plans, if any, he has to indicate to local authorities any changes he will adopt to discontinue landfill; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9012/99]

The overall policy of the Government in relation to waste management is set out in An Action Programme for the Millennium and related policy documents. The role of landfill in future waste disposal in Ireland, and relevant policy advice for local authorities in that regard, are specifically addressed in the policy statement on waste management entitled Changing Our Ways, published in October 1998. A copy of the statement is available in the Oireachtas Library.
