Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 27 Apr 1999

Vol. 503 No. 6

Written Answers. - Hospital Funding.

Liz McManus


166 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Health and Children the breakdown in both capital and current funding allocated to the Hospital of the Assumption, Thurles, County Tipperary, for each year between January 1993 and July 1997. [10776/99]

In regard to current or revenue funding, my Department does not make specific financial allocations in respect of the Hospital of the Assumption, Thurles or any other health board hospital. The relevant funding is contained within the overall financial determination to the Mid-Western Health Board and it is a matter for the board in framing its service plan to decide on the priorities locally. I will ask the board's chief executive officer to supply the Deputy with the expenditure figures in respect of this particular hospital for the years in question.

As regards capital funding, the Mid-Western Health Board was notified in July 1995 that £140,000 was available in respect of planning fees for the proposed replacement for the Hospital of the Assumption. However, until recently, there was little prospect of proceeding with the project due to unavailability of the overall funding required and approval to selection of the design team was not conveyed until 19 April. In the circumstances, only £23,000 of the £140,000 was drawn down. When the design team is appointed, the planning process will proceed quickly. The required capital funding will be approved and released as the project proceeds.
