Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 May 1999

Vol. 505 No. 1

Written Answers. - Cemetery Repairs.

Liam Aylward


203 Mr. Aylward asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands if she will arrange with the Office of Public Works to have approval given to FÁS in Kilkenny to allow necessary works be carried out to an old cemetery at Woodsgift in County Kilkenny. [13131/99]

There is no record of an application having been received in my Department in relation to works at this cemetery. If a formal written application is made, I can assure the Deputy it will be considered as expeditiously and as favourably as possible in accordance with the guidelines published in my Department's booklet The Care and Conservation of Graveyards and with the operating procedures which are in place between my Department and FÁS.

The Office of Public Works is no longer involved in the vetting of works to graveyards.
