Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 15 Jun 1999

Vol. 506 No. 2

Written Answers. - Garda Stations.

Emmet Stagg


90 Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will provide details of his Department's programme for the refurbishment or replacement of Garda stations; the order of priority in which this work will be carried out; and the timescale and costs involved. [15388/99]

As the Deputy will know, much of the accommodation occupied by the gardaí up to recent years was very old, many stations have been former RIC Barracks. I am glad to say, however, that over the last number of years many new stations have been built and much refurbishment of existing stations has been undertaken.

I have an on going building programme to deal with these Garda stations which yet remain to be replaced or refurbished. Capital funding of approximately £6.5 million is available through the Office of Public Works for the building programme this year, with some additional funding for the Garda College project. You can be assured that I will be pressing for the maximum funding for the programme going forward to next year and beyond.
Building projects that are on going at present include Thurles and Mayorstone. Projects which are nearing completion or recently completed include Kenmare, Clonakilty, Kilkenny, Bagnalstown, Sneem and Waterford.
There are a number of projects which are expected to commence this year. These include Loughrea, Rathmines, Clondalkin, Cobh, Tullamore, Bray, Castlecomer, Dunshaughlin, Kealkil, Kilmoganny, Waterville, Roundstone and Ballinskelligs. It is also expected that work will commence on the Garda College project which, when completed, will provide an additional bedroom block, lecture theatres and recreational facilities.
In addition to the above projects, maintenance work will be carried out as it arises on as many stations as resources will allow. There is a provision of £3.5 million approximately for 1999. It is not possible to give a comprehensive list of these locations before works are undertaken.