Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 1 Jul 1999

Vol. 507 No. 4

Written Answers. - Security of the Elderly.

Brian O'Shea


188 Mr. O'Shea asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs when a person (details supplied) in County Waterford will receive a medical alert pendant; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16991/99]

My Department has, since 1996, operated the scheme of community support for older people, the purpose of which is to provide funding for initiatives to improve the security and social support of vulnerable older people. This funding is provided by way of grant to voluntary groups and organisations such as St.

Vincent de Paul, Neighbourhood Watch and Community Alert who have undertaken to identify those elderly people in need of assistance under the scheme.

Under the scheme grants are available for: small-scale physical security equipment such as strengthening of doors and windows, window locks, door chains and locks and security lighting; and socially-monitored alarm systems, such as the "pendant" or "button" alarm system which is operated via the telephone and is worn around the wrist or neck.

To qualify for assistance under the scheme, older people, aged 65 or over, must: be living alone or be living in households made up exclusively of older people, or of older and other people who are dependent and vulnerable and be unable to install or purchase the security equipment or alarm system themselves.

In general, grants under the scheme cover from 50 per cent to 90 per cent of the once-off cost of the purchase and/or installation of the necessary security equipment. While the maximum grant available under this scheme is 90 per cent of the total cost, it is not possible to guarantee this level of funding in respect of all applications received under the scheme.

Since its inception in 1996 a total of £12.6 million has been made available for this scheme and up to the end of 1998 some 56,000 people had been assisted by the scheme.

Applications under the 1999 scheme were invited recently from voluntary organisations and community groups. The closing date for receipt of applications is 16 July 1999 and it is understood no application has been received, to date, under the scheme from any voluntary group or organisation in County Waterford on behalf of the person named in the Deputy's question.
It is expected that a large number of applications will again be received in 1999 at the regional offices of the Department. Any application received before the closing date from a voluntary organisation or group on behalf of the person named in the Deputy's question will be processed as soon as possible.
Voluntary organisations and community groups will be advised of the result of their applications once all applications under the scheme have been processed.