Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Oct 1999

Vol. 508 No. 3

Written Answers - Foreshore Licences.

Austin Deasy


144 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the plans, if any, he has to issue a foreshore licence to Waterford County Council for the proposed Dungarvan sewerage scheme. [18854/99]

Application was made to my Department for a foreshore licence in respect of these works on 12 February. There were a number of issues on which clarification was required and when these issues were addressed, the council was requested to activate the public consultation process. The council placed an advertisement in the Dungarvan Leader on 10 September to commence the public consultation process. Under regulations, this process must continue until 10 October 1999 at which stage I am required to give the council an opportunity to respond to any objections made before I can consider the application and make a decision.

Austin Deasy


145 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the plans, if any, he has to issue a foreshore licence to Waterford County Council for the proposed sewerage scheme at Tramore, County Waterford. [18855/99]

The terms of a foreshore licence for the proposed sewerage scheme at Tramore were offered to Waterford County Council on 1 October 1999. My Department now awaits a response from the council.
