Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 25 Nov 1999

Vol. 511 No. 5

Other Questions. - Harbour Developments.

Michael Bell


8 Mr. Bell asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the plans, if any, he has to apply and implement the key findings of the review of State regional harbours; the plans, if any, he has to replace the Harbours Act, 1946; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24362/99]

The review which I published recently of the State's 16 commercial regional ports and harbours which have a cargo throughput of less than 250,000 tonnes develops a general strategic framework for the ports and harbours concerned aimed at maximising their financial sustainability, their contribution to strategic maritime policy objectives and socio-economic impacts.

The need to address the future of the State regional ports and harbours has been acknowledged in a range of official publications from Partnership 2000 to the Government's An Action Programme for the Millennium. The action plan underlines the priority to transfer small harbours to local control to develop marine leisure activities. This is also a key priority in the implementation of the Department's strategy statement 1998-2000. The revised An Action Programme for the Millennium, published earlier this month, commits to the support of priority infrastructural development in commercial ports and assists restructuring of non-commercial regional ports. This review charts the way forward for the regional ports and sets out a long-term, coherent and sustainable development strategy for their future and the people who rely on them directly and indirectly for their livelihoods.

Following publication of the review, I initiated a full consultative process. While I am aware that consultants met and considered the views of relevant interests including those of the port authorities and management, and other interested State tourism and local commercial development bodies it is essential that all stakeholders and interests, including harbour authorities, are given an opportunity to comment on the recommendations which emerged from the review in advance of any decisions being made.

I assume that by local interests the Minister means local authority interests. From long and bitter experience I know that the repair of harbours under the jurisdiction of county coun cils is a very low priority. Can the Minister give an assurance that money will be provided for local authorities to carry out this work because they do not have the necessary finance.

The national development plan provides £46 million and EU co-financing has been provided for regional ports. This money will provide for up-grading of infrastructure, improved capacity utilisation and enhanced intermodal connections to benefit industry and agriculture. It will also contribute to balanced regional development. The Deputy's point is a particularly important one. The money being provided by the EU is now greatly reduced but we have been able to increase the money provided from the Exchequer.
