185 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Education and Science the terms of reference of the review of remedial teaching. [2161/00]
Written Answers. - Remedial Education.
186 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Education and Science the individuals his Department are consulting with in drafting new guidelines for remedial teaching. [2162/00]
I propose to take Questions Nos. 185 and 186 together.
A study of remedial education in Irish primary schools was conducted in 1996-98. The summary report of this study was published in 1998. The terms of reference of the review were: the basis on which pupils are selected for remedial teaching; the number of pupils receiving remedial teaching in different subjects – English, mathematics, Irish; the number of pupils receiving remedial teaching from individual remedial teachers; the nature of the diagnostic assessment conducted by remedial teachers; the objectives set by remedial teachers and class teachers for pupils receiving remedial teaching, and the links between those objectives and baseline assessment; the teaching methods and resources used by remedial teachers to support pupils with learning difficulties; the general approaches to remedial teaching; the methods used by remedial teachers to record and report assessment outcomes; the nature and quality of the relationships/ partnerships involving class teachers, remedial teachers and parents; the progress made by pupils in remedial classes; and the duration of remedial teaching for individual pupils.