Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 Jan 2000

Vol. 513 No. 2

Written Answers. - EU Funding.

Paul McGrath


73 Mr. McGrath asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development the amount of funds received by his Department from the EU by way of income support for farmers for each of the past five years; the amount and percentage of this money which is used in administering the schemes; and the amount paid to farmers in each of these years. [2113/00]

All funds received from the EU for direct income payments to farmers are paid in full without deduction or change. The cost of administration of these schemes is funded by the Exchequer.

Total direct income payments to farmers in each of the last five years were as follows: 1995 – £747.5 million, 1996 – £911.4 million, 1997 – £940.4 million, 1998 – £1,038.0 million and 1999 – £912.0 million – provisional figure. These payments were in respect of a large number of schemes. Livestock premia and arable aid, which together accounted for 65% of these payments in 1998, are fully funded by the EU. Other schemes are co-financed by the EU and the Exchequer, or are wholly nationally funded.
