Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 4 Apr 2000

Vol. 517 No. 3

Written Answers. - Equality Proofing.

Jan O'Sullivan


277 Ms O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the mechanisms being put in place to ensure that ADM Limited and the area-based partnerships funded by his Department will include equality proofing of their programmes for 2000-2006 on the grounds of religion, sexual orientation and age; and the proposals, if any, to equality proof the programmes on each of these grounds. [9858/00]

The regional operational programmes under the national development plan are currently being drafted by the Department of Finance and I understand they will be finalised in the near future. A special sub-programme on social inclusion will form an integral part of each of these regional operational programmes. Over £400 million has been allocated to my Department under the sub-programmes, which will be directed at activities currently carried out by the area-based partnership companies and ADM-supported community groups, the local drug task forces and the development groups of the Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund.

Actions will be supported under the social inclusion measures on the basis of integrated local action plans which will be drawn up in consultation with the director of community and enterprise and the city and county development boards.

The promotion of equality is central to the overall design of the local development plans. Action plans are required to incorporate principles based on equal opportunities policies that demonstrate active commitment to ensuring equality and, in order to meet the terms of ADM's appraisal criteria, they must provide evidence of equality principles at all levels, before funding is approved.
