Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Apr 2000

Vol. 518 No. 3

Written Answers. - Millennium Projects.

Eamon Gilmore


76 Mr. Gilmore asked the Taoiseach the reason no millennium award was made to the Genealogical Society of Ireland; the criteria for the making of these awards; and the reasons the society did not succeed in its application. [11367/00]

The National Millennium Committee's remit was to examine and make recommendations to the Government on proposed millennium projects of national significance and also to ensure that communities, particularly in areas of social disadvantage, could participate fully in marking the millennium.

In recognition of the economic, social and cultural contribution of community groups, the National Millennium Committee allocated £3 million of millennium funding under the millennium recognition awards for locally based projects. These awards were administered by Area Development Management Limited on behalf of the National Millennium Committee. The application from the Genealogical Society of Ireland was submitted directly to Area Development Management Limited under the title Cumann Geinealais Dhun Laoghaire to be considered for funding under the millennium recognition awards.
A number of criteria were applied under the millennium recognition awards, including evidence of local support, evidence of local need, capacity of the group to implement the proposal within a reasonable timescale, evidence of financial control procedures within the group, a link to the millennium and the overall quality of the proposal. As I am sure the Deputy will appreciate, with a very large response to the awards and only a limited fund available, not all projects could be funded. Out of the 1,400 applications received nearly 200 projects were recommended by the National Millennium Committee for awards. Unfortunately, the Genealogical Society of Ireland was not among them.

Seán Haughey


77 Mr. Haughey asked the Taoiseach the reason the Casino Millennium Association in Marino did not receive a grant from his Department or the National Millennium Committee for its recent historical exhibition; the representations made in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11422/00]

The National Millennium Committee's remit was to examine and make recommendations to the Government on proposed millennium projects of national significance and also to ensure that communities, particularly in areas of social disadvantage, could participate fully in marking the millennium.

In recognition of the economic, social and cultural contribution of community groups, the National Millennium Committee allocated £3 million of millennium funding under the millennium recognition awards for locally based projects. These awards were administered by Area Development Management Limited on behalf of the National Millennium Committee. The application from the Casino Millennium Association was referred by the National Millennium Committee to Area Development Management Limited for consideration under the millennium recognition awards.

A number of criteria were applied under the millennium recognition awards, including evidence of local support, evidence of local need, capacity of the group to implement the proposal within a reasonable timescale, evidence of financial control procedures within the group, a link to the millennium and the overall quality of the proposal. I am sure the Deputy will appreciate that, with a very large response to the awards and only a limited fund available, not all projects could be funded. Out of the 1,400 applications received, almost 200 projects were recommended by the National Millennium Committee for awards. Unfortunately, the Casino Millennium Association was not among them.
