Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 10 May 2000

Vol. 518 No. 6

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Nora Owen


431 Mrs. Owen asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the continued sense of anger and annoyance among women who are being discriminated against in relation to pension and other rights under the social welfare code due to the fact that they were out of the workforce caring for children for many years prior to 1994; the proposals he has to alter the existing homemakers scheme to allow women who were out of the workforce before 1994 to become eligible for various social welfare benefits; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12879/00]

From 6 April 1994, years spent out of the workforce caring either for children up to the age of six, increased to age 12 from 6 April 1995, or incapacitated people may be disregarded in calculating the person's yearly average number of contributions for old age contributory pension purposes. A maximum of 20 years may be disregarded in this way. Provision is also made for the award of credited contributions in the year in which a person commences or ceases to be a homemaker. In addition, earnings of up to £30 per week where a person is engaged in part-time employment outside the home are also permitted.

Thepro-rata pensions which I introduced in November 1997 and the new arrangements to take account of pre-1953 contributions, which came into effect this month, will be of benefit to many women who have gaps in their PRSI records due to working in the home. However, I recognise that issues remain to be addressed in this area and some time back I ordered a review of this issue. The review of the homemakers scheme will be undertaken as part of the ongoing review of eligibility conditions for contributory old age pensions. I have asked that proposals be brought forward which I will consider in a budgetary context.