Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 10 May 2000

Vol. 518 No. 6

Written Answers. - Salmon Tagging.

Thomas P. Broughan


72 Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources when he will receive the report from the National Salmon Commission on the introduction of tagging of all angling and commercially caught wild salmon; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12918/00]

Following my appointment last month of the full membership of the National Salmon Commission, I moved immediately to consult the new body on the introduction of tagging of all angling and commercially caught wild salmon. At its inaugural meeting the commission agreed the publication on 14 April of the draft salmon tagging regulations which I had presented to it for its consideration and advice. The publication, nationwide, of my notice of intent to make the regulations triggered a 30 day statutory period for public consultations. It has also enabled detailed consideration by the commission of the mechanics and timeframe for full implementation of tagging of rod and net caught salmon. The consultative period is designed to ensure all interested parties have an opportunity to make known their views. The commission will make its recommendations to me on the regulations and the introduction of the scheme at the end of the statutory period on 13 May. Those recommendations will be fully informed by the public consultation process and the advice to the commission from the central and regional fisheries board and the Marine Institute. They will also reflect the commission's comprehensive analysis of all the complex issues involved.

By inviting the commission to address tagging as its first priority, my objective was to bring the discussion and planning phase to the point of decision and having decided, to fully gear up for implementation. We are now at the point of decision.
Salmon tagging, backed up by the national fish counter programme, will enable us to quantify our salmon in a new way. The real time conservation and management which will flow from the system will pay major dividends for anglers and commercial salmon interests but above all for the national salmon resource itself. I look forward to receiving the advice of the commission which I hope will position us to move ahead.