Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 7 Jun 2000

Vol. 520 No. 4

Written Answers. - Higher Education Grants.

Sean Fleming


244 Mr. Fleming asked the Minister for Education and Science if he will make a statement on the situation where a family (details supplied) in County Laois has incurred severe financial hardship in keeping their son attending an institute of technology; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the family is in receipt of farm assist, dependant child allowance and an education grant, as they live within 16 miles of the institute compared to the weekly payment the son would receive if he were not in full time education and was on unemployment assistance; and his views on whether this anomaly is a disincentive which can result in people not continuing in full-time education. [15972/00]

I understand that the student referred to by the Deputy was awarded the adjacent rate of maintenance grant by County Laois VEC under the terms of the 1997 European Social Fund aided third level maintenance grant scheme for trainees to pursue a course of study at Carlow Institute of Technology.

Under the terms of the ESF aided third level courses maintenance grants scheme for trainees, maintenance grants are payable at either adjacent or non-adjacent rates. The vocational education committee decides the rate applicable in each particular case. Except in the case of mature students, the adjacent rate of maintenance grant is payable where the grant-holder's normal residence is 15 miles or less from the college being attended. As the distance from the college in this particular case is less than 15 miles, the student was correctly awarded the adjacent rate of grant which, for the 1999-00 academic year, is £676.
The value of the maintenance grant for students has increased in recent years in line with inflation. This approach ensures that the real value of maintenance grants is maintained. The need to target resources at those most in need is well recognised and underpins this Government's approach to tackling disadvantage. There is provision within the national development plan for a third level access fund totalling £95 million over the period of the plan. Considerations are ongoing on the allocation for initiatives under this fund. I am not yet in a position to convey details about the allocation of the funding. However, I can confirm that any additional direct financial supports to disadvantaged students will be made available in the course of the 2000-01 academic year.