Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 3 Oct 2000

Vol. 523 No. 1

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

John Perry


421 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 234 of 28 March 2000, he will again review the REPS payment to a person (details supplied) in view of the information which was submitted to the Department on 31 August 2000; if he will ensure that payments are released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20632/00]

My Department has reviewed this case again in the light of the correspondence referred to. Certain lands, which had been included in the agri-environmental plan submitted to the Department in November 1997 by the person named, were transferred in October 1998 to another person who was not a participant in REPS. The correspondence referred to has confirmed the details of the transfer.

Under the terms of the scheme, where lands which form part of a REPS plan are transferred in this manner during the period of the REPS contract, the participant may remain in the scheme subject to an amended agri-environmental plan being prepared for the remaining lands and a proportionate adjustment in the payment being made. Aid already paid proportionate to the transferred land must be reimbursed. In this case the transfer fell within the period of the participant's REPS contract and my Department has correctly applied a clawback on the participant's second year payment in respect of the area transferred out of the scheme.

The relevant provision is set out in section 13 of the rural environment protection scheme document which is published by my Department.

422.Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 218 of 10 May 2000, he will report on the progress that has been made on the REPS payment to a person (details supplied); when the payment will be released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20633/00]

The person named has submitted a revised REPS plan, including the lands referred to, but he has not submitted the REPS 1F form which is also a requirement when additional land is being declared. When he submits this form, the processing of the case can be resumed. The REPS planning agencies are fully aware of the requirements for payment on additional land.

John Perry


423 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development the reason a person (details supplied) did not receive 1999 extensification payment in view of the fact that he received it on previous occasions; if he will have his payment released; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20635/00]

In accordance with EU Regulations 1999 extensification premium is paid on all animals paid under the suckler cow or special beef premium schemes if the stocking density on the holding is less than 1.40 livestock units per hectare.

The stocking density for the person named is calculated as follows:



Milk Quota


Ewe Premium


Suckler Cow Premium


Special Beef Premium10Month9@0.6




Total Livestock Units


He declared 9.11 hectares on his 1999 Area Aid.
The total livestock units divided by the hectares – 13.60/9.11 – give a stocking density on the holding of 1.49 LU. hectare.
As the stocking density on the holding for the person named is not less than 1.40 livestock units per hectare he has no entitlement to 1999 extensification premium.