Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 24 Oct 2000

Vol. 524 No. 5

Written Answers. - Health Board Staffing.

Dan Neville


327 Mr. Neville asked the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the change in qualifications for entry to the clerical officer grade in the health boards. [23176/00]

The qualifications for appointment to a clerical officer grade within the health services have been agreed at national level between unions and management. In a recent agreement, the qualifications for the post of clerical officer (Grade III) have been amended to allow satisfactory relevant experience as an alternative to the prerequisite of the leaving certificate.

The revised educational qualifications which have been approved by me are as follows:

a minimum of grade D, or a pass, in higher or ordinary level in five subjects from the approved list of subjects in the Department of Education established leaving certificate examination or leaving certificate vocational programme, or have passed an examination of at least equivalent standard or have satisfactory relevant experience which encompasses demonstrable equivalent skills.