Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 24 Oct 2000

Vol. 524 No. 5

Written Answers. - Garda Patrols.

Jim Higgins


436 Mr. Higgins (Mayo) asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the steps that are being taken by the Garda to deal with attacks on private property, break-ins, repeated complaints and public order disturbances in the Drimnagh area, Dublin 12. [22916/00]

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the Drimnagh area is policed from the Sundrive Road Garda station on a 24 hour basis. There are regular routine uniform and plain clothes patrols, which are also supported by a very active drugs unit which concentrates on Drimnagh and its environs. In addition to these patrols, a special patrol is in operation at weekends to deal specifically with public order offences.

I am further informed that there are also full-time community gardaí who, among other things, operate in the Drimnagh area and liaise with the co-ordinators of neighbourhood watch schemes in the area. I understand that they have regular meetings to discuss areas of complaint and progress made in dealing with complaints. Community gardaí operate a call-back system to advise victims of burglaries and such crimes in relation to their personal and home security, and reassurance of Garda support. The juvenile liaison officer for the area deals with juveniles who come to the attention of the Garda. Community gardaí also visit local schools, and give talks on crime, vandalism and road safety.
In relation to underage drinking, the Garda authorities expect that the new Dublin Corporation by-laws will assist in combating underage drinking in parks, laneways and streets, which are sources of complaint from the public. I am informed that representations from public representatives about complaints are dealt with expeditiously. Generally, in these cases I understand that complainants are visited by the Garda, and are updated on progress of the investigation.
I am assured by the Garda authorities that the Drimnagh area is given comprehensive Garda attention and that the level of policing is continually under review to ensure optimum use of resources to counteract public order and anti-social behaviour which may arise from time to time.