Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 9 Nov 2000

Vol. 525 No. 4

Written Answers. - School Meals Service.

Jimmy Deenihan


36 Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs if he will reform and develop the school meals service. [25040/00]

I have felt for some time that the current school meals scheme falls a long way short of what is required and that a major reform of the scheme is needed. Accordingly, I established an interdepartmental working group chaired by my Department to review the scheme from first principles.

The review is being undertaken as part of the series of expenditure reviews which seek to ensure that spending programmes are still relevant and to identify priorities for adjustments in expenditure. In this case, proposals are being developed for a reformed school meals scheme that will meet the needs of today's school-going children in an efficient and effective manner.

The group has engaged in an extensive consultation process as part of the review. All of the issues and difficulties with the current scheme and suggestions for a reformed scheme that have emerged during the consultation process will inform the group's consideration of the future policy direction for the scheme.

I expect to receive the working group's report early in the new year following which I hope to be in a position to bring proposals to Government regarding a reformed school meals scheme.

Pending completion of the report I was pleased to be able to provide interim funding of £100,000 per annum towards the food costs, for the voluntary and community groups currently providing school meals outside of the existing scheme.
