Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Dec 2000

Vol. 527 No. 3

Written Answers. - Departmental Properties.

Louis J. Belton


196 Mr. Belton asked the Minister for Finance the procedures which are followed when his Department is acquiring properties in various towns. [28532/00]

The procedures adopted by the Commissioners of Public Works in acquiring property in various towns depend upon the circumstances in each case.

The commissioners endeavour to identify all suitable properties that may be available by placing advertisements in local newspapers, by direct inquiry to local auctioneers and estate agents, through the knowledge of local staff or other appropriate means.

The commissioners endeavour as far as possible to introduce the element of competition into purchases. Where particularly suitable properties are offered for sale by public auction or tender the commissioners will participate in these.

Where a number of properties are available each is assessed by the commissioners in consultation with the Department of service to be accommodated. The commissioners negotiate with the owner of the most suitable property and in the event of failure to secure agreement at a reasonable price negotiate for the next most suitable property. Where there are a number of acceptable, though not equal, properties negotiations may be conducted with the owners of each and at the end of the process the most economically advantageous may be purchased. Where two or more properties are considered equally suitable then a tender competition would be held.

In situations where only one is available the commissioners endeavour to negotiate a fair market price with the owner.

In all cases the commissioners are advised in relation to value and other technical matters by their inhouse professional staff or by consultant property advisers.
