Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Dec 2000

Vol. 527 No. 3

Written Answers. - Revenue Mobile Service.

Tony Killeen


210 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for Finance if the decision to exclude serving officers in the Revenue mobile service enforcement division from the 1998 competition was made before or after 23 March 2000. [28722/00]

Tony Killeen


211 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for Finance if he has satisfied himself that the decision to exclude serving officers in the Revenue mobile service enforcement unit from the 1998 competition was in the best interests of the quality of the service; the plans he has to bolster the service by increasing numbers of personnel by deploying experienced staff in the unit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28723/00]

I propose to answer Questions Nos. 210 and 211 together.

I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners that the decision to exclude serving officers in the Revenue mobile service from the 1998 competition was made shortly after the issue of circular E.5490 in August 1998 – considerably earlier than 23 March 2000. As the Deputy was previously advised, it was decided exceptionally not to allow serving officers in the Revenue mobile service to take part in the 1998 competition. To have allowed these officers to take part in the competition would have had the effect of recycling vacancies between the various operational units in the Customs enforcement division and would not have been an effective use of resources.

The day-to-day management of their office is a matter for the Revenue Commissioners. The commissioners have assured me that the decision to exclude serving officers in the Revenue mobile service from the 1998 competition did not adversely affect the quality of the service.

The commissioners have no plans at present to increase the number of staff in the Revenue mobile service. However, the deployment of staff within Revenue is kept under regular review and, if it were decided to increase the number of staff involved in the Revenue mobile service, staff would be assigned in the normal way from competition panels.
