Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Dec 2000

Vol. 527 No. 3

Written Answers. - Schools Funding.

Jack Wall


376 Mr. Wall asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the fact that secondary schools are having to raise between 13% and 17% of their total expenditure from the local community; if he has satisfied himself with this position; the plans he has to rectify the imbalance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28311/00]

The manner in which voluntary contributions are sought from local communities for optional extras over and above what is provided for in the general school programme is a matter for school principals and managements.

I am aware of the demand for increased funding for second level schools. In this regard, I consider that the report of the steering group on the funding of second level schools represents a comprehensive review of the funding arrangements and is a valuable document in both its analysis and clarity of approach. It is my intention that this report will continue to inform policy on school funding.

While I intend to address the issues of equity and transparency of funding, I want to emphasise that my priority is the adequacy of funding levels for schools in the second level sector. I have already shown my commitment and determination in this regard by establishing the school services support fund. I am satisfied that the introduction of this support fund is a significant initiative in the funding of our schools. Schools will now receive additional annual funding of £20 per pupil with a minimum payment of £4,000 per school. This fund will channel an additional £4 million to voluntary secondary schools each year. In addition, the schools will benefit from a further increase in the standardper capita grant. The grant was increased to £184 from £177 last year. It was further increased by £8 from September this year to £192 and will be significantly increased by £10 for the next school year. In addition, and in recognition of the cash flow needs of schools, I am arranging to bring forward the payment of the next instalment of the per capita grant from January 2001 to later this month.
My approach to date has clearly shown my commitment and determination to improve funding at second level and I intend to build further on progress to date.