Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 Dec 2000

Vol. 527 No. 3

Written Answers. - Animal Welfare.

Trevor Sargent


76 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development his position in relation to farm animal welfare issues and compliance with EU animal transport law; and if he will meet with an organisation (details supplied) based in Cork. [28399/00]

I attach the utmost importance to adherence to the highest possible welfare standards and requirements for farm animals at their various stages of production. I am fully committed to ensuring compliance with EU rules governing the welfare of farm animals, including animal transport. My Department is currently consulting the Attorney General's Office about signature and ratification of the Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention on the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes. Additionally, the Attorney General's Office is advising my Department on a draft order on animal transport which I propose to introduce as soon as possible in transposition of the relevant elements of Directive 64/432/EEC as amended. I will continue to participate with other member states of the European Union in examining ways in which animal welfare across the EU can be further improved. I have also requested the EU Commission to bring forward proposals for further rules on pig welfare.

The organisation referred to by the Deputy participated recently at a conference on animal welfare hosted by the Royal Dublin Society. At the conference, in the presence of representatives of that organisation, I set out my position on animal welfare in an opening address. The organisation has had a number of meetings with officials of my Department.
