Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Feb 2001

Vol. 531 No. 4

Written Answers. - Water Sports Safety.

Denis Naughten


114 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources the proposals he has to introduce legislation to control the use of jet skis and power boats; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6217/01]

The Deputy will no doubt be aware that the final report of the action group on small powered recreational craft, including personal watercraft, which was presented to me in April 2000, recommended the introduction of a new legislative framework to allow for the enactment by local authorities of by-laws to control the use of jet skis and fast power craft as an initial step and also for regulations on national provisions governing the safe use of such craft.

The introduction of this legislative framework has now been achieved through amendments to the Merchant Shipping Act, 1992, which were included in the Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) Act, 2000. The result of these amendments is that the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources is now empowered to introduce statutory regulations to take account not only of the safety of recreational craft, including jet skis and fast power craft, and their occupants, but also the safety of other persons resulting from the use of the craft and any disturbance or nuisance caused by their usage. Significantly, the Minister is also empowered to provide local authorities and bodies with the power to introduce by-laws to control the use of such craft in areas under their jurisdiction.

My Department is currently in the process of drafting regulations which will allow for the enactment of such by-laws. These regulations will also include, inter alia, provisions relating to age restrictions, the carriage and use of life jackets, restrictions on the use of alcohol and drugs as well as provisions relating to careless and dangerous driving of jet skis and fast power craft. It is my intention that these draft regulations will be finalised shortly in consultation with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel to the Government, with a view to their implementation in time for the coming summer season.
