Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Feb 2001

Vol. 531 No. 4

Written Answers. - Health Services.

Tony Gregory


149 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Health and Children if there is a statutory requirement for the provision of health centres and other services and facilities; and the criteria used in areas where redevelopment and renewal have resulted in population increases in the region of 10,000. [6224/01]

Statutory responsibility for the provision of health services, within their functional areas, rests with the health boards and the Eastern Regional Health Authority – ERHA. In discharging their duties in this regard, the boards and the ERHA are obliged, among other things, to secure the most beneficial, effective and efficient use of resources, co-operate with voluntary bodies providing services in their areas and give due consideration to the policies and objectives of Ministers and of the Government.

In so far as the provision of health centres is concerned, funding is being provided under the national development plan to assist in the development of new health centres and the upgrading and refurbishment of existing centres. Health boards and the ERHA have been advised of the annual indicative funding levels which will be available to them in the years 2001-06 to cover community health service capital developments. The indicative funding, which is in excess of £127 million, will enable them to plan and manage the implementation of their community health service capital developments over the lifetime of the national development plan.
