Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Feb 2001

Vol. 531 No. 4

Written Answers. - Hospitals Building Programme.

Bernard J. Durkan


160 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Health and Children the progress to date in the Naas Hospital development programme; the extent to which expenditure and construction work to date is in accordance with projections; if he will confirm the intention to provide the full scale of facilities originally anticipated in the course of the development plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6235/01]

Bernard J. Durkan


161 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Health and Children when the Naas Hospital building programme will be completed; if the works to date are on schedule; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6236/01]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 160 and 161 together.

Phase two of the major capital development programme at Naas General Hospital commenced on site in November 1999 and is programmed for completion by mid-2002. Funding for the development is provided for under the national development plan. The total cost of phase two will be of the order of £45.5 million at current estimates. Phase one of the project, the psychiatric unit – Lakeview – was completed in 1990.
On completion of phase two, the hospital will have a total of 189 beds, including 25 day beds and 30 beds in the psychiatric unit provided under phase one. Phase two includes the following departments: main entrance concourse; administration – part; medical records department; chaplaincy department; out-patients department; accident and emergency department; physical medicine department (temporary location); radiology Department; mortuary-post-mortem accommodation; pharmacy department; geriatric day hospital; operating department; day services department; intensive care and coronary care units; in-patients wards; geriatric rehabilitation-assessment ward; staff changing, brought forward from phase three; on-call accommodation, brought forward from phase three; stores, brought forward from phase three.
Approval to proceed with the commencement of the final phase, phase three, of the Naas General Hospital development has been given. Phase three will complete the total hospital development and will include construction/completion of the following departments: administration – completion – pathology, hospital sterile supplies department, central supplies department, catering department, engineering/maintenance department, day services – permanent – physical medicine – permanent – out-patients department – completion – mortuary and post-mortem facilities and waste management department.
The design team is finalising the sketch design for phase three and is preparing a planning application for submission to the local authority in March of this year. Construction on this final phase is targeted to commence in April 2002 with a completion date of June 2004.
Progress and expenditure for phase two is indicating that the contract is 12 weeks behind programme. This is due to staff resourcing problems and exceptionally inclement weather. Every effort is being made to bring the project back on programme.