Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 7 Mar 2001

Vol. 532 No. 2

Other Questions. - School Guidelines.


25 Mr. Hayes asked the Minister for Education and Science the directions given by his Department to individual schools in respect of accessing information pertaining to a child's well being in cases where both parents are living apart, if he can confirm that where a joint custody order has been granted by the courts, only the parent who brings the child to school can access such information; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5213/01]

My Department has not issued directions to schools in relation to access to information about the progress of individual children in situations where their parents may not be living together as the particular arrangements applying can vary so widely from case to case.

The policy, with regard to separated parents, is that both parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their children's education and it is to the benefit of the children and the school when they do. I appreciate that practical difficulties for schools can arise where parents are separated. However, the general principle still holds in such a situation and schools should make all reasonable efforts to ensure that any report or notice which is sent by the school to one parent is also sent to the other parent at the same time. Circumstances which would justify departure from this general approach would rarely occur and would usually arise only in the context of an appropriate Court Order relating to matters of access and custody.

Mr. Hayes

The Minister said he has not issued any directive but it is clear what the policy position is that he expects schools to enunciate and implement. I put it to the Minister that it would be worthwhile for his Department to issue a directive to all schools outlining the right of both parents to obtain information about the well being of that child in the care of that school. At a time when marriage breakdown is increasing and parents are separated there is a necessity for the school to inform both parents of not only the well being of the child but of school days, parents days, First Communion, Confirmation and so on. The Minister should be more pro-active in terms of delivering this directive to schools. Some schools operate a system of informing both parents while others do not. A uniform approach is needed.

I will look at the position in relation to guidelines. These guidelines cannot be imposed straight across the board because in many cases the court will have made a judgment. It may be for the protection of a child. I have had a case where the court insisted that no information be given to one parent. They are the exceptions but they need to be covered in any guidelines.

Mr. Hayes

The question refers specifically to a case where a joint custody order has been granted by the courts. The reality is that joint custody is what the majority of persons arrive at in the event of marriage breakdown. There are many parents, men specifically, who are excluded from the educational development of their child and they resent it. They want the Department to take a firm stance on this because they have as much right to be involved in the educational development of their child as other parents. The Minister must be pro-active in this area. Will he circulate guidelines in a more coherent way to all schools to ensure clarity in this matter once and for all?

A number of cases have arisen. I said earlier I would look at the guidelines and how they should apply. There have been a number of cases recently where directions have been given to schools, for example, by a VEC to a particular VEC school from the board to supply all information to both parents.

This is a growing problem. We have all had complaints where one or other parent has not been provided with access to information about their child in school. It is not adequate to speak about individual schools and what has happened in individual cases. There is an onus on the Minister to issue clear guidelines to all schools in respect of accessing information by both parents. Will he undertake to issue those guidelines within the next few weeks to clarify the matter for schools.

I am happy to review the position and if adequate guidelines do not exist to have some issued.

Written Answers follow Adjournment Debate.
