Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 7 Mar 2001

Vol. 532 No. 2

Written Answers. - Foot and Mouth Disease.

Jimmy Deenihan


67 Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Education and Science the communication which has issued from his Department to each primary and secondary school regarding appropriate steps at individual school level to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease. [6880/01]

An outbreak of foot and mouth disease has the potential to cause enormous economic damage to our agriculture and food processing sectors. It would have far reaching implications for our export markets which would permeate through the entire economy. The full commitment of the entire population is necessary if we are to succeed in our efforts to prevent the spread of the disease. This is a national issue which has the potential to adversely effect the well being of everyone in the country and our response must reflect the gravity of the situation.

Accordingly, my Department has issued a letter of advice to the authorities of all primary and post primary schools which details the recommended measures that schools should put in place to prevent an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in this country. The measures recommended in that letter are based on the advice that my Department has received from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. I have arranged to have a copy of this letter forwarded to the Deputy.

In addition to issuing a letter of advice to primary and post primary schools, my Department has also placed advertisements containing details of recommended measures to be adopted by schools, third level institutions, further and higher education colleges and all educational institutions in all the national newspapers.
My Department will monitor this issue on a daily basis and will continue to liaise with the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development on this matter.