Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 12 Apr 2001

Vol. 534 No. 5

Written Answers - Sports Capital Programme.

David Stanton


211 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the grant aid available to support indoor leisure activities; the way in which it is assessed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11259/01]

The sports capital programme, which is administered by my Department, seeks to develop an integrated and planned approach to the development of sport and recreational facilities; to assist voluntary and community organisations with the development of appropriate facilities in appropriate locations that will maximise use in terms of participation in sport and recreation; to prioritise the needs of disadvantaged areas in the provision of facilities; and to encourage the multi-purpose use of facilities at national, regional and community level by clubs, community organisations and national governing bodies of sport.

Projects covering both indoor and outdoor activities can be considered under the programme but must be directly related to the provision of sport and recreation facilities and be of a capital nature, which, for the purpose of the programme, is defined as:

Expenditure on the purchase, improvement or construction of an asset and includes any costs directly incurred in this process; and purchase of permanently based sports equipment, i.e. that it is securely housed, and will remain in use for 5 years or more.

The 2001 sports capital programme was advertised in mid-December 2000 with a closing date of 9 February 2001 for the receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,450 applications were received for the programme and are currently being evaluated against its assessment criteria. These are outlined in the guidelines which accompanied the application form but can be summarised as follows: the extent to which the project, in terms of growth targets, will increase the levels of active participation in sport / recreational sport and / or result in improved standards of sporting performance and how such increases can be measured; the extent to which the project, in terms of growth targets, will serve to increase participation in disadvantaged areas; the technical merits of the project, that is, does the project comply with standard technical specifications from the relevant governing body and statutory authorities, possession of planning permission; and the financial viability of the project – that is in addition to lottery funding, has the club/organisation sufficient funds or firm commitments for funding to complete the project within a realistic timeframe? Previous track record in fund raising is also taken into account – the level of local funding available; higher rating is given to projects with a significant local contribution; given realistic projections of income from the project, the extent to which the applicant will be able to maintain the project after completion; the level of socio-economic disadvantage in the area, as defined by ADM Limited's indicators, and the current and planned levels of sport and/or recreational sport facilities in the area; the need to achieve an equitable geographical spread of funds, having regard to the range of existing facilities in each county; the extent to which applicants have consulted with other clubs, community groups, schools and the local authority in developing their proposals and the outcome of these consultations; in the case of projects aimed at attracting people from disadvantaged areas, the strategies to be used to attract them; the need to achieve an equitable spread of funds among different sports and community groups; the priority of proposed improvements/facilities in relation to the club's or organisation's existing facilities; and the priorities for their individual sports as identified by the national governing bodies. I intend to announce the grant allocations for the 2001 sports capital programme as soon as possible after the assessment process has been completed.
Under the local authority swimming pool programme, which is also administered by my Department, the Government has provided £45 million funding over the three year period 2000-02, effectively increasing the annual budget from £3 million per annum to £15 million over the period. All local authorities were invited to submit proposals for the development of pools to my Department by 31 July 2000 and all proposals received by that closing date are being processed under the present programme.
In general, there are four stages in a swimming pool project – preliminary report stage, contract document stage, tender stage and construction stage. The Department's technical advisers evaluate each stage and local authorities cannot proceed to the next stage of a project unless prior approval is issued from this Department.
In assessing these proposals I will be having particular regard to a report commissioned from sports facility specialists ILAM Limited on the condition of pools constructed by local authorities between 1996 and 1981 and their finding that 30 pools are in need of specific refurbishment. My Department will give consideration to such matters as the need for a swimming pool in an area, suitability of the proposed site, future viability of the project, particularly in relation to operational and maintenance issues, construction and operating standards of existing facilities; satisfactory financial plan and the need to achieve an equitable geographical spread of funds.
Question No. 212 answered with Question No. 210.

Róisín Shortall


213 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the reasons he does not provide any funding for the provision of playing pitches by Dublin Corporation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11282/01]

The sports capital programme, which is administered by my Department, seeks to develop an integrated and planned approach to the development of sport and recreational facilities; to assist voluntary and community organisations with the development of appropriate facilities in appropriate locations that will maximise use in terms of participation in sport and recreation, to prioritise the needs of disadvantaged areas in the provision of facilities, and to encourage the multi-purpose use of facilities at national, regional and community level by clubs, community organisations and national governing bodies of sport.

Projects for consideration under the programme must be directly related to the provision of sport and recreation facilities and be of a capital nature which, for the purpose of the programme, is defined as expenditure on the purchase, improvement or construction of an asset and includes any costs directly incurred in this process; and purchase of permanently based sports equipment, i.e., that it is securely housed, and will remain in use for five years or more. The Deputy should note that the programme does not assist in the purchase of sites or premises.

In line with the aims of the sports capital programme to develop a planned approach to facility provision, clubs and community organisations are asked to consult with their local authority before making an application for funding. The purpose of this consultation should be to enable applicants to include the required formal confirmation in their application form that the proposed development does not result in overlap and-or duplication with existing facilities.

Apart from voluntary and community organisations, it is open to local authorities themselves to submit applications under the sports capital programme. A number have done so for the 2001 programme which was advertised in mid-December 2000 with a closing date of 9 February 2001 for the receipt of completed applications.

In excess of 1,450 applications were received for the programme and are currently being evaluated against the its assessment criteria, which are outlined in the guidelines which accompanied the application form. I intend to announce the grant allocations for the programme as soon as possible after the assessment process has been completed.
