Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 2 May 2001

Vol. 535 No. 2

Written Answers - Road Safety.

Denis Naughten


178 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if, in view of a recent survey in the United Kingdom by a company (details supplied) which highlights the disregard by motorists of road traffic signs, he will consider allocating funding to local authorities to erect flashing lights outside primary schools which are not on national routes; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12467/01]

As undertaken in the reply to Question No. 823 of 30 January 2001, my Department informed all road authorities, in the context of notifying non-national road grant allocations for 2001 on 5 February 2001, that the provision of flashing lights at primary schools on significantly trafficked non-national roads may be considered for funding under the new sub-programme of low cost remedial measures for non-national roads or in the context of the use of their discretionary grants.

It is now a matter for local road authorities to consider the use of this facility in appropriate cases.
