Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 2 May 2001

Vol. 535 No. 2

Written Answers - All-Irish Schools.

Gay Mitchell


69 Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for Education and Science if he will provide assistance towards the setting up of more all-Irish secondary schools in Dublin; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11496/01]

It is my policy to support the provision of all-Irish school facilities at primary and second level in areas outside the Gaeltacht regions, where a demand for such provision is demonstrated and where no alternative exists within a reasonable distance.

At second level there are usually three options that can be explored for the purpose of providing all-Irish facilities in a given area. These options are: The provision of a new school on a greenfield site, the provision of a new school in surplus accommodation in an existing second level school and the establishment of a unit within an existing second level school.

There are currently seven schools, four secondary and three VEC schools providing all-Irish post-primary education in Dublin. Five of these schools are situated on the southside of Dublin and two on the northside. Up to recently these schools have been catering adequately for demand.

Arising from increased all-Irish provision at primary level in Dublin in recent years there is now an increased demand for corresponding provision at second level. In response to this demand I recently approved the provision of an additional all-Irish post-primary school on Dublin's northside, Coláiste Lán-Ghaeilge Gráinseach, to cater for the particular demands for all-Irish education at second level in that area. The school, which will operate under the aegis of the County Dublin Vocational Education Committee, will be located in vacant accommodation in Grange Community College. It will have a separate board of management and staff. I am pleased to say that the school is due to open next September. I thank the board and management of Grange Community College for their co-operation in making this important development possible.

I can assure the Deputy that my Department will continue to monitor the position generally in Dublin in the light of demographic and enrolment trends and the capacity of existing all-Irish facilities to meet demand. Where a need for additional provision at second level is established, I will take steps to respond to such demand.
