Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 13 Jun 2001

Vol. 538 No. 1

Written Answers. - Employment Rights Legislation.

Deirdre Clune


70 Ms Clune asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the provision she has in place to ensure foreign workers employed here are not exploited; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [17143/01]

Employment rights legislation in Ireland establishes the minimum statutory rights applicable to all 1.8 million people working in Ireland whether part-time or full-time, high or low skill, national or non-national. Employment rights legislation makes no distinction between the rights of foreign workers and any other workers. All workers in Ireland, without exception, are entitled to the same statutory employment rights and protections.

Over the years legislation has been enacted in areas such as holidays, working hours, payment of wages, minimum notice, minimum wage and others. The labour inspectorate of my Department has responsibility for enforcing this employment legislation generally and the inspectors therein operate in a fair, objective and impartial way without any differentiation with respect to nationality. They investigate complaints about infringements of employment rights and, where breaches are identified, seek to have the employer redress matters. They may also refer the case to the Chief State Solicitor's office for prosecution.

The complement of authorised officers now in the labour inspectorate is 17, having been increased last year on foot of an earlier Government decision. Recently, however, as a consequence of career breaks and promotions, three officers have left the service. Steps are in train at present to restore the service to its full complement.

Apart from the staffing issue, the labour inspectorate has undergone a major review of its operations. That exercise is coming to a conclusion now and it is anticipated that the effectiveness and efficiency of the service will be improved significantly as the outcome of the review is implemented over the next few months.
