Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Jul 2001

Vol. 540 No. 2

Written Answers. - Performance Related Funding.

Bernard Allen


154 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children if he proposes to introduce a system whereby the funding of the health services will be linked to performance. [20349/01]

As part of the health strategy, a working group on funding was established with the following terms of reference: in the context of preparing a new health strategy for the next five to seven years, to examine the issue of funding and analyse strengths and weaknesses of current arrangements concerning funding; and to make recommendations for changes in this area in order to achieve a more people centred, equitable and higher quality health service and improved health status.

The target date for the first draft of the health strategy is the end of this month, at which time I will have available to me the considerations and recommendations of the various participants including the working group on funding.

The Deputy may be aware of the national case mix programme. This programme is a management system which has been in operation for the past ten years and links funding to performance. The case mix programme, so-called because it compares the mix of cases that hospitals treat, taking varying complexity into account, compares activity and costs between the 32 main acute hospitals which account for almost 75% of all acute hospital activity and over £700 million of spending. The hospitals which participate in the programme receive a positive or negative financial adjustment based on performance. The programme is being expanded each year. Plans are in place to continue this expansion in consultation with all the relevant stakeholders in the process.
