Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Jul 2001

Vol. 540 No. 2

Written Answers. - Schools Refurbishment.

Seán Ryan


260 Mr. S. Ryan asked the Minister for Education and Science if he will sanction the provision of two additional classrooms for St. Theresa's national school, Balbriggan, County Dublin. [20465/01]

No application for additional accommodation has been received from St. Theresa's national school. However, the planning and building unit of my Department is examining an application from the school for improvement works. It is open to St. Theresa's to apply for additional accommodation where it considers this will be required in the long term. Any such application will be considered in light of the school's projected enrolments.

Seán Ryan


261 Mr. S. Ryan asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the fact that engineers are unwilling even to inspect the boiler of the existing heating system at St. Theresa's national school, Balbriggan, County Dublin and that this has not been maintained for the past two years; if he will arrange for the provision of a new heating system, such as a natural gas system, for the school; and if he will ensure that this work will be carried out during the summer break, 2001. [20466/01]

The application for an upgrade of the mechanical and electrical system at St. Theresa's national school, Balbriggan, County Dublin is being processed as quickly as possible, having regard to the large volume of such applications currently being dealt with by my Department.
