Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 5 Jul 2001

Vol. 540 No. 3

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Payments.

Joe Higgins


226 Mr. Higgins (Dublin West) asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs the measures he is instigating to allow brucellosis sufferers qualify for disability allowance and appropriate welfare support. [20682/01]

A person suffering from brucellosis may apply for an appropriate benefit or allowance from my Department, which administers a number of illness and disability payments to persons who may have diseases or disabilities. These consist of disability benefit, invalidity pension, disability allowance, injury benefit and disablement benefit schemes.

Entitlement to these payments are subject to the applicant satisfying the general medical criteria which apply and these are prescribed in legislation. In addition, certain PRSI contribution conditions must be met in the case of disability benefit and invalidity pension and for disability allowance a means test must be satisfied.

The occupational injuries scheme provides entitlement to injury or disablement benefit for persons suffering from certain prescribed diseases which are listed specifically in legislation, where they have contracted the disease in the course of their employment.

Where a person claims a payment from my Department in respect of disease or disability, an opinion regarding a claimant's medical condition is given in the first instance by the person's doctor. Where required, a second opinion is provided by medical assessors employed by my Department for the guidance of the Depart ment's deciding officers who ultimately determine entitlement.
This follows an overall assessment of the situation and, if required, medical examinations are carried out in appropriate cases. In the course of medical examinations of claimants all relevant and available medical information is taken into account. Any information provided by the claimant is also taken into account. Where further specialist advice is considered necessary it may also be obtained.