Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 5 Jul 2001

Vol. 540 No. 3

Written Answers. - National Monuments.

John McGuinness


248 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage Gaeltacht and the Islands if she will provide a progress report on the works and planned works at a number of locations (details supplied), the costs of work being undertaken and the completion date in each case, and if the contract is being undertaken by Dúchas, the State or a private contractor. [20570/01]

Work is progressing as follows at the sites in question in the order referred to by the Deputy.

1.Major upgrade of visitor facilities at the site. Works are being undertaken by private contractors and will be completed in July 2001 at a cost of £941,000.

2.Some minor safety works are ongoing. The main conservation works programme is still hampered by foot and mouth restrictions as the main access is across private farm lands. However, I am hopeful that progress can begin to be made in the near future. The work force of my Department will undertake this project. The project is estimated at £300,000 and is scheduled for completion in 2003.

3.At present all available scaffolding is in use. Owing to the foot and mouth disease restrictions placed on farmland, progress generally on works to rural sites has been held up. In the interim, sites unaffected by the restrictions – urban sites, are receiving priority so that it will be sometime before this site can be reached. Present indications are that this will be September at the earliest. The work force of my Department will undertake this project. The inspection and initial safety works are expected to cost less than £2,000.

4.Works to a culvert at the access road are currently being delayed due to foot and mouth disease restrictions. These works will be completed this year. The work force of my Department will undertake this project. The estimated cost is approximately £1,000.
