Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 5 Jul 2001

Vol. 540 No. 3

Other Questions. - Television Advertising.

Brian O'Shea


14 Mr. O'Shea asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage Gaeltacht and the Islands the representations she has received regarding proposals being considered by the EU to restrict advertising aimed at children; her position on the proposals being considered; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [20305/01]

I have recently received representations from the world and national bodies representing advertisers. Both sets of representations, which are essentially the same, argue strongly against the notion of introducing formal restrictions on television advertising directed at children. Both were received close to the informal Council of Ministers meeting organised by the Swedish Presidency last May. The Swedish Presidency introduced this topic on the agenda by way of a note that asked three questions as a basis for discussion. The questions related to whether member states needed to pay special concern to small children where television advertising is concerned, the opinion of member states on the level and effect of the existing provisions of the Television without Frontiers Directive and to whether member states should be able to impose national restrictions on certain transfrontier broadcasts. It is clear that Sweden would favour more restrictions at a European level or the ability for individual member states to impose national restrictions on cross border broadcasts.

In my intervention on the topic at the informal council, I indicated considerable sympathy with the Swedish position. However, no formal proposal on this matter is being considered by the EU. Any proposals to amend the Television without Frontiers Directive must come from the Commission and none has been put forward as yet. I should say also that I have seen no signs of a consensus in favour of further restrictions at EU level emerging.

I compliment the Minister on the action she has taken on this important issue following the debate on the Broadcasting Bill. Can she assist the Swedish Presidency in getting a proposal through to the Commission?

I thank the Deputy for his comments. Following our discussions with the Independent Radio and Television Commission, which will soon become the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland, it will give priority to considering the whole question of advertising aimed at children. This is an issue which needs to be addressed immediately on a national basis.

In regard to the Swedish proposals, they have encountered difficulties with the Television without Frontiers Directive on this specific issue. I have spoken in very sympathetic terms at EU meetings about their position in this regard and I will continue to do so because it mirrors the position in this country. Unfortunately, it is up to the EU Commission rather than Ministers to initiate this type of proposal. If the EU progresses the matter, I will support the Swedish position.

It does not have the presidency now.
