Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Oct 2001

Vol. 541 No. 2

Written Answers. - Irish Blood Transfusion Service.

Bernard Allen


559 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has received a report (details supplied) on the Irish Blood Transfusion Service; and if so, if he will publish the report in full. [22060/01]

Bernard Allen


560 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has received a report (details supplied) on the Irish Blood Transfusion Service; and if so, if the recommendations of the report have been implemented in full. [22061/01]

Bernard Allen


602 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has received a communication from the Irish Blood Transfusion Service outlining the future of the Cork centre and its role and contribution to the Irish Blood Transfusion Service, as recommended by the Flynn Report. [22104/01]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 559, 560 and 602 together.

The report referred to by the Deputy was compiled by management consultants who were commissioned by the Irish Blood Transfusion Service IBTS to review the implementation of the reorganisation plan which was adopted by the Irish Blood Transfusion Service some time ago. I have not received a copy of the consultant's report as, based on legal advice, the board has decided that it cannot release the report. I have, however, received a copy of the consultants' recommendations which recognise that there is a desire and commitment in the organisation to provide the highest quality service, supply and safety to the Irish public. The consultants note that much has been accomplished to place the service on a stable footing and personnel in the organisation have worked strenuously to address past difficulties. The recommendations, which have been accepted by the board, identify further development work which is necessary to continue to meet the demands of a modern transfusion service. The primary recommendation refers to the need for a comprehensive programme of organisation development and change management to be led by the executive encompassing all parts of the organisation. I understand the board has commenced the implementation of the recommendations based on the principles and practices of change management. The board has established a sub-committee to progress its change management programme as a matter of priority. I very much welcome this initiative by the board which is an important additional element in the re-organisation of the service to ensure that it continues to respond effectively to the rapidly changing environment in transfusion medicine.

Decisions on the role and contribution of any part of the service to the achievement of national goals and objectives are a matter for the board of the IBTS. The future role and contribution of the Cork centre is being addressed as part of the preparation of a development brief for a new centre in Cork. A project team, established by the board, is expected to complete a design brief for consideration by the board in a matter of weeks.
