Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Oct 2001

Vol. 541 No. 2

Written Answers. - School Staffing.

Olivia Mitchell


1110 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Education and Science the way in which it is proposed to compensate a school (details supplied) in Dublin 14 for the loss of 11 community employment workers. [21914/01]

The school referred to by the Deputy currently has the services of a full-time secretary and caretaker under a 1978-79 scheme for the employment of secretaries and caretakers in primary schools under which my Department meets the full cost of salary.

I have recently secured the transfer of £46 million per annum to my Department on a phased basis between now and 2003, as the FÁS school-based community employment schemes – CE – come to an end. The availability of this funding will enable me to make significant progress in relation to the provision of secretarial and caretaking services to schools by putting in place an equitable system of funding for ancillary services. My Department will receive a total of £32 million in this school year.

Proposals for the redistribution of the moneys received this year at primary and post primary levels are now near finalisation and details on the new funding arrangements will issue to all schools very shortly. This will give a major boost to schools throughout the country and represents the implementation of an important commitment in the programme for Government and in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness.

I recently agreed with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and FÁS that all school-based CE participants with a legitimate expectation of up to three years participation in a school-based CE scheme will be facilitated to complete their full term. This adjustment to the phasing out of CE schemes in schools means that certain CE participants may be entitled to continue working on CE in schools up to and including 2004 depending on their individual circumstances and entitlements under CE. The school in question should clarify its position in this regard with FÁS.
Finally, if it is the case that this school used CE participants as classroom assistants to assist with the care of pupils with disabilities, it should be noted that my Department has a special needs assistant scheme in place for such purposes. School authorities may apply for the services of a special needs assistant to assist in catering for pupils with special care needs arising from a disability. Further details on the operation of the special needs assistant scheme are available from the special education section, Department of Education and Science, Athlone, County Westmeath.