Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Oct 2001

Vol. 541 No. 2

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Dukes – the Labour Court recommendation that redundant workers from Peerless Rugs, Athy, be paid an amount greater than the statutory redundancy payments; (2) Deputy Naughten – the need to update the House on the new information he has received relating to the administration of the animal vaccine "Tribovax T" to Irish children; (3) Deputy Deasy – the need to provide speech and language therapists for schools which cater for special needs; (4) Deputy Creed – the financial losses incurred by farmers under the disadvantaged area scheme 2001 and the need for an appeal mechanism; (5) Deputy Michael Kitt – the question of funding for health services at the Bon Secours Hospital, Tuam; (6) Deputy Tom Hayes – the need to restore full employment at the CPI company in Tipperary, following the temporary lay-off of 60 workers in recent weeks; (7) Deputy Ring – the need for immediate payment of moneys due to farmers under the farm improvement grants scheme; (8) Deputy O'Hanlon – the closure of Monaghan Poultry Products; (9) Deputy Ulick Burke – the difficulties concerning the provision of school transport to Seamount College, Kinvara, County Galway; (10) Deputy O'Shea – the urgent need for a new district hospital building to replace the existing St. Vincent's District Hospital, Dungarvan, County Waterford; (11) Deputy John Bruton – the lack of availability of speech therapists, and the problems which arise regarding the co-ordination of their work, training and availability; (12) Deputy Perry – the urgent need for the extension at St. Edward's national school, Ballytivnan, Sligo; (13) Deputy Crawford – the need to intervene immediately to restore the 300 jobs lost in Monaghan Poultry Products; (14) Deputy Spring – the Government's emergency plans to deal with the consequences of severe nuclear fall-out as a result of any future incidents at the Sellafield plant in Wales; (15) Deputy Ellis – the proposed closure of Lilly Industries (Ireland) Ltd., Ballinamore, County Leitrim; (16) Deputy Flanagan – the collapse of the Independent Insurance Group in the UK and the consequences for Irish business; (17) Deputy Healy – the urgent need to announce a promised decentralisation package for south Tipperary; and (18) Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin – the current situation at Monaghan Poultry Products and the plans presented for the relaunch of the plant Gallinagh, Monaghan. The matters raised by Deputies Dukes, O'Hanlon, Crawford and Naughten have been selected for discussion.
