Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Oct 2001

Vol. 541 No. 2

Written Answers. - Euro Changeover.

Rory O'Hanlon


190 Dr. O'Hanlon asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the extent to which her Department is prepared for the introduction of the euro; if she will ensure that the replies to future parliamentary questions show all monetary values in euros and pounds; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [21891/01]

Our Department has in place extensive arrangements for the full introduction of the euro on 1 January 2002. These arrangements include a detailed changeover plan in place, covering all aspects of our Department's activities, a designated assistant secretary to oversee implementation of the plan, monthly meetings of the departmental euro changeover croup, chaired by the designated assistant secretary and involving all sections of our Department that have euro related activity and which provide for detailed monitoring of our Department's changeover plan, monthly meetings of the euro changeover group, consisting of representatives of the various State agencies under this Department, where the issues on the changeover plan are updated, ongoing training of staff at individual section level, together with attendance of staff at Central Bank training courses on security features of euro notes, preparation of monthly progress reports on implementation of changeover plans to ECBI and participation in the monthly meetings of the single currency officers team, SCOT, in the ECBI.

In addition our Department has specific responsibility for providing information to assist all businesses, including SMEs, with their preparations for the euro currency. The EMU business awareness campaign, which is managed by Forfás on behalf of our Department, has undertaken this task since its launch in 1996. Features of the campaign to date include a comprehensive information pack and euro seminars and workshops throughout the country. Forfás also produced a retail training kit which has been widely distributed to retailers.

The Office of Director of Consumer Affairs has prepared a national code on euro changeover. Subscribers to this code, which is a code of practice on dual pricing, will be entitled to display a special logo as evidence of their commitment, to implement the changeover fairly. By subscribing to the national code, businesses commit themselves to seek no advantage from the changeover and to assist the consumer through such means as dual pricing and both in-store display and six digit conversion rate display.

In relation to replies to future parliamentary questions, I have asked our Department to arrange that, except where the context clearly requires otherwise, between now and 1 January 2002 and for a reasonable period thereafter all monetary values in replies to parliamentary questions will be shown in both euro and Irish pounds. In view of the above, we are satisfied that our Department has made adequate arrangements for the smooth changeover to the euro on 1 January 2002.

Question No. 191 answered with Question No. 186.
