Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 24 Oct 2001

Vol. 542 No. 6

Written Answers. - Work Permits.

Noel Ahern


120 Mr. N. Ahern asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the position regarding the granting of work permits and specifically in relation to a person working here under a work permit; if a second work permit can be given for a second full or part-time position; if such a person is free to do occasional casual or weekend work for a different employer without a work permit; if such a person could do part-time work without a work permit as part of a contract of service; the way in which such a person can be accommodated and have their services used for additional work outside a full-time job; and if a work permit is required for a person who is operating on a self-employed basis. [25482/01]

Only one work permit can issue for each full-time job. A second work permit for a part-time job cannot issue. A work permit will not issue unless the work entails at least 20 hours per week. If an employee does part-time work without a work permit they are working illegally.

The Government announced last year a new labour market immigration policy designed to meet the skills requirements in the Irish economy over the next six years. A new work visa system now applies in respect of people coming from non European Economic Area countries to take up employment in Ireland in three specific sectors, i.e. information and computing technologies, construction professionals and nurses. The scheme allows the prospective employee to apply to the Irish embassy or consulate in their home country to have the relevant authorisation placed on their passport there. The working visa scheme is being extended shortly to include medical professionals.

With reference to the Deputy's question concerning employment on a self-employed basis for non-EEA nationals, he/she would require business permission from the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
