Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 6 Nov 2001

Vol. 543 No. 2

Written Answers. - School Bullying.

John McGuinness


766 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Education and Science the steps he is taking to combat bullying in schools; if his attention has been drawn to the campaign by concerned parents against bullying; if he will meet this group to discuss their concerns and suggestions; if he has received submissions on the issue; and the steps he will take to monitor the problem and address the issues. [26219/01]

Individual school management authorities are responsible for implementing policies to counter bullying in schools. In 1993 my Department issued Guidelines on Countering Bullying Behaviour to all primary and post-primary schools. The purpose of the guidelines was to assist schools in devising school based measures to prevent and deal with instances of bullying behaviour and to increase awareness of the problem among school management authorities, staff, pupils and parents. A further circular in 1994 reminded school authorities of their responsibility in formulating a written code of behaviour and discipline, which should include specific measures to counter bullying behaviour.

Under health and safety legislation, school management authorities are responsible for providing a safe environment for all personnel present in the school, including pupils. In a circular relating to guidelines on violence in schools, issued by my Department in 1999, schools were advised of their duties in this area and of the need to take positive measures to prevent and minimise the risk of violence within the school environment. In particular, the attention of schools was drawn to the need for effective school policies on school discipline and bullying. The circular advises schools that these policies should be reviewed on a regular basis and suggests that the early identification and resolution of weaknesses in school policies generally lessens the threat of violence in the school. The report on discipline, commissioned by my Department and completed by Dr. Maeve Martin, deals comprehensively with the issue of discipline in schools, and sets out models of best practice in this area. A copy of the report has been made available to all schools.

While management authorities are not required to notify my Department of bullying cases in schools, my Department regularly receives telephone calls reporting alleged instances of bullying. Generally these calls are informal enquiries and officials of my Department offer advice and assistance. In addition, my Department will examine specific complaints regarding alleged instances of bullying behaviour, but only after every effort has been made at school level to resolve the matter. The National Educational Psychological Service is available as a support service to schools in relation to individual students who encounter difficulties. I have requested my officials to arrange a meeting in the near future with the group referred to by the Deputy, on a mutually suitable date.