Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 6 Nov 2001

Vol. 543 No. 2

Written Answers. - Outdoor Education Centres.

Bernard Allen


820 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Education and Science the date on which he received the Rice review on outdoor education centres; the steps he has taken to implement the review; and when all the recommendations of the review will be implemented. [26482/01]

The report entitled A Review of the Operation of VEC Outdoor Education Centres in Ireland, known as the Rice report, was presented to my predecessor on 12 January 1999.

The report made a series of recommendations on all aspects of the operation of outdoor education centres. It identified the regularisation of the position of employees in the centres as being of particular importance. Towards that end officials of my Department are in negotiation with various representatives of the staff of outdoor education centres regarding their status, salary, terms and conditions of employment. The regularisation of the staffing position within the centres will represent a major improvement in the operation of the centres.

This regularisation of staffing, may however, have significant cost implications for the centres and any new arrangements agreed will be relevant in determining my Department's future budgetary planning and funding strategy for VEC outdoor education centres. It is in this context that consideration of other recommendations of the Rice report, particularly those relating to the expansion of the network of VEC outdoor education centres, will be addressed.
