Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 22 Nov 2001

Vol. 544 No. 5

Estimates for Public Services, 2001: Motion.

I move:

That leave be given by the Dáil to introduce the following Supplementary Estimates for the service of the year ending on the 31st day of December, 2001:

Vote 3 – Department of the Taoiseach (Supplementary).

Vote 14 – Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (Supplementary).

Vote 34 – Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Supplementary).

Vote 41 – An Chomhairle Ealaíon (Supplementary).

Vote 42 – Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands (Supplementary).

Vote 43 – National Gallery (Supplementary).

Question put and agreed to.